Attracting Tomorrow’s Talent with Today’s Leaders

Thursday |

Burlington Marriott

One Burlington Mall Road

Burlington, MA 01803


Today’s workplace is at a generational crossroads unlike any other time in our nation’s history. As the Baby Boomers ride off into the retirement sunset, Generation X is left to manage an empowered Millennial generation raised with a new set of attitudes and expectations about their work-life balance. And just as we were beginning to understand Millennials, Gen Z is entering the workforce en masse! This keynote session focuses on talent attraction and workforce retention by building an understanding of who we are, how we were raised, and how each generation views “work” as a part of their identity. Learn talent attraction and retention strategies to overcome generational differences and attract Millennial and Gen Z employees and keep them from leaving!

  • Manage Generational Leadership at Work
  • Identify Areas of Generational Leverage
  • Win Over Potential Mentors & Strengthen Your Culture
  • Develop a Talent Attraction & Retention Plan


Steve BenchFounder, Generational Consulting

Steve Bench is a nationally recognized keynote speaker who delivers presentations and training sessions that offer engagement strategies for attracting and retaining Millennial and Gen Z employees, empowering Gen X management, capturing Boomer wisdom, and cultivating future leadership by leveraging the strengths of each generation. Steve founded Generational Consulting in 2017 to help companies and organizations better understand generational differences and has since shared his message with audiences across the country, earning the nickname “The Millennial Guy.” Steve has developed a reputation for delivering high-energy, engaging presentations that provide actionable strategies and meaningful results.
